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About Enterprise Search, Experts and Enthusiasts

Career paths at IntraFind – Why Manuel Brunner is a search rock star and just can't get enough of search projects

ChatGPT: The Future of Search?

ChatGPT is currently the talk of the town. Dr. Christoph Goller, Head of Research at search specialist IntraFind, has tried out ChatGPT and thought about its effects on search engines.

5 points to look out for in your AI projects in 2023

Companies and public authorities can benefit from artificial intelligence in many areas: AI can take over standard tasks and thus accelerate processes and relieve employees. For successful AI projects, organizations should consider a few aspects.

Job satisfaction through IT tools: 3 points in favor of enterprise search

The job satisfaction of employees is playing an increasingly important role today: In times of a shortage of skilled workers and a greater willingness to change jobs, companies should also consider IT tools that support employees in doing a good job. This also includes enterprise search software.

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