Case Studies & Referenzen

Case Studies & References

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Success stories from our customers

Case Study: PeopleStrategy

Relevant work information quickly to hand - searching in Confluence and Fileshares

The example of the US HR service provider PeopleStrategy shows that not only large enterprises but also medium-sized companies can benefit considerably from an intelligent search.
Case study: Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE)

Centralized Access to Knowledge for All Employees

Efficient knowledge management is of vital importance to BGE, Germany’s federal company for radioactive waste disposal. BGE uses the iFinder search and text analysis software from search specialist IntraFind.
Case study: Beuth Verlag

Cutting-Edge Software Solution for Efficient Standards Management

Nautos is a new and state-of-the-art software solution for corporate standards management developed by the Beuth Verlag publishing company. The heart of this solution is its intelligent search functionality, which is based on iFinder.
Case study: DATEV

High-Performance Linguistics for Digital Customer Services

DATEV has implemented a centralized basic search service for its numerous cloud services. IntraFind’s linguistics plugin for Elasticsearch delivers comprehensive and relevant search results.
Case Study: Diakonie

Diakonie Uses iFinder for Enterprise Search in NetApp File Services

The Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development (EWDE, Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung) uses NetApp File Services to store documents and information. Using the NetApp certified IntraFind search solution iFinder, connected via the fpolicy service, these file systems can now be searched in real-time.
Data Sheet

Data protection compliant with iFinder GDPR

For many companies it is still a great challenge to meet the requirements of the European data protection regulations. Personal data can be easily identified in an ERP or CRM system. But what about data sources such as file servers or e-mail systems where a lot of unstructured data is stored? How do you find the relevant data and make sure that nothing is overlooked?
Case Study: AUDI AG

Search Solution for the Audi PartnerNet

AUDI AG replaced its existing search function on the Audi PartnerNet dealer portal with iFinder. An independent market research institute confirmed that dealers were highly satisfied with the portal and specifically called the search functionalities excellent.
Case Study: MTU

MTU Aero Engines Integrates Knowledge Management with IntraFind

With IntraFind and the integration of the iFinder, MTU has implemented a knowledge management platform. Numerous data sources (PLM, technical literature, intranet based on TYPO3, glossary) are accessible for the MTU employees by using the search, taking into account the existing complex structure of user permissions.

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