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Maximum efficiency: How public authorities and companies benefit from enterprise search with generative AI

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we process information. ChatGPT made generative AI accessible to everyone, but now the exciting question arises: How can organizations use large language models (LLMs) in their business environment in a beneficial and privacy-compliant way? Breno Faria, AI expert at search engine manufacturer IntraFind, classifies the new technologies and describes use cases with potential for companies and the public sector.

Checklist: How companies find the right enterprise search software

Companies can hardly cope with the increasing flood of data. That's why more and more are starting to look for suitable enterprise search software. A guide from IntraFind helps them with the selection process.

How companies identify their sensitive data

All organizations have sensitive data, and handling it responsibly is a business-critical issue. But before companies can take steps to protect that data, they must first figure out what information that needs protection exists in the first place and where it is stored. This is anything but trivial.

Know-how has no pension entitlement

The baby boomer generation is slowly but surely retiring - and if companies are not careful, their extensive know-how will be retired with them. Enterprise search systems are an important component in preventing this, explains knowledge management expert IntraFind.

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