Das Bundesarchiv

Federal Archives: Digital research in the archive made easy

The Digital Reading Room is a website of the Federal Archives. Citizens can easily research and view archive material there. In the first stage of the project, the entire film holdings of the Federal Archives were made searchable and the films that have already been digitized were made available online. Images, sound recordings and documents will follow in the next stages. The Federal Archives are implementing the project together with IntraFind as service provider and software manufacturer.
“With the Digital Reading Room, we are opening a new chapter in the Federal Archives for anyone interested in history and stories. We are not only strengthening the digitization
and safeguarding our holdings, but also making them visible and even
more easily accessible.”

Prof. Dr. Michael Hollmann

President of the Federal Archives
Das Bundesarchiv

New digital reading room of the Federal Archives with IntraFind technology

Frau mit Brille

Project Overview

Industry: Federal Archives

Challenge: High research quality and user-friendliness despite complex, heterogeneous sources such as films, files, images, posters and audio recordingsnd accessible real-time search across more than 190 websites and connected databases

Solution: Intelligent search software iFinder combined with professional services from IntraFind; project with several expansion stages


Arbeitsplatz mit Fokus auf Brille

The Challenge

Researching historical data is particularly complex and requires more than just a full-text search. After all, this involves extremely heterogeneous data sets such as files, maps, images, posters, films and sound recordings. A historical file, for example, has completely different metadata to a historical film poster.

This means that even if the indexing data on archive records is complex and heterogeneous, the search must produce the best results.

The Solution

With its iFinder search software, IntraFind is technologically implementing the digital reading room for the Federal Archives. With its intelligent linguistic and analysis functions, iFinder ensures high-quality search results in the complex data holdings.

In addition to the full text, the software takes metadata and contextual information into account in order to quickly present users with the relevant search results. The search solution is intuitively designed for ease of use. Users can also find details in a video tutorial.