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Content Delivery of Technical Information

Even nowadays technical documentation is mostly not valued as good or useful source of information. Too many incomprehensible or unmanageable documents have shaped the past and left behind frustrated or desperate users. Not to mention experts and technicians who prefer to rather trust their experience than long texts and inappropriate illustrations.

Counting counts – arguments for using statistics to process language

In this post I want to go a little deeper into Ludwig Wittgenstein's argument of "meaning is use" (Philosophical Investigations, 1953), and how it can be seen as a philosophical justification for statistical NLP, including machine learning.

How search engines can be expanded by means of word families

What makes a good search engine? You type a sequence of letters and the document is searched for all occurrences of this combination. This way you can quickly and easily find certain text passages within a document. For a user who wants to find out more about a particular topic or the use of a particular word, such a basic search functionality would certainly not be enough.

New High Quality Search and Linguistics for iFinder5 elastic

IntraFind has long been known for high quality information retrieval. For our new product generation iFinder5 elastic we completely overhauled our core search technology consisting of our Lucene / Elasticsearch Analyzers and our Query Parser. In part 1 of this blog article I talk about advantages for the standard user and how we are able to reduce configuration efforts.

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