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How a better search engine increases range and helps to monetize digital content more efficiently

As the Internet is the first point of contact for information and product research, operators of websites and content portals have developed new revenue models in which retention time and access rate play a crucial role. Search specialist IntraFind shows how these companies are improving search quality and traffic on their websites.

Is Legal Tech only a hype?

Legal Tech – Is this just a buzzword or is there more to it? IntraFind board member Franz Kögl comments on this.

E.ON uses Enterprise Search solution from IntraFind

The energy supplier E.ON has opted for iFinder5 elastic to take customer service knowledge management to a new level of quality.

Liebherr Service opts for IntraFind’s iFinder5

Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen GmbH employs IntraFind’s iFinder5 elastic as Enterprise Search solution. The software makes it possible to quickly provide the relevant knowledge in the event of service and to be able to react in a customer-oriented manner.

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