17.09.2020 | News IntraFind further extends linguistic plugin for Elasticsearch
With its linguistic plugin IntraFind enables users of the open source search and analytics engine Elasticsearch to get more complete and more relevant search results. In addition, the plugin now also offers the recognition of entities, numbers and units as well as their integration into the search index.
The entity search of the plugin now allows for example to search for any person in the vicinity (small word distance or same sentence) of "founder" and "Doctors without Borders". If a document is found for this search query, the relevant text passage will most likely contain the name of one of the founders of " Doctors without Borders" (e.g. Bernard Kouchner).
The numerical search for any amount of money in a text near "rent" and address components as a broader context could provide the answer to the question of the rental amount of an object. A search for the words "boiling point" and a "temperature of 90 - 110 °C" in the same sentence, for example, will also deliver the sentence "The boiling point of water is 212 °F" as a result of unit normalization. If cross-lingual search is switched on, it will also deliver a sentence such as “Der Siedepunkt von Wasser liegt bei 212 °F”.
IntraFind’s Elasticsearch plugin offers state-of-the-art linguistic analyses. Starting from a professional identification of language and word boundaries, and also of complex terms, a very precise morphological base form normalization improves search quality. The decomposition of arbitrarily composed terms (compound decomposition) into the meaningful semantic components further increases the quality. Due to the infinite number of possible combinations in the formation of compounds, the tool works with intelligent filter rules and procedural lexicons.
"With its new features, our linguistic extension now provides even greater added value for Elasticsearch installations, because names, such as those of people, organizations and places, often play a particularly important role when searching. The same applies to numerical data such as prices, dates or technical-scientific units e.g. areas, speeds or temperatures", says Franz Kögl, CEO of IntraFind Software AG. "IT managers benefit from the easy integration option of the plugin for their existing Elasticsearch search".