Regional Pension Insurance Providers Improve Their Data Finding Capability
Matthias Schöppe
NOW IT (Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Nord Ost West Informationstechnik)

Central Search with High Security Requirements

Project Overview
Industry: public sector
Challenge: comprehensive search for six clients (five pension insurance providers plus NOW IT GmbH) with secure search consideration of individual user rights
Solution: iFinder
Users: 16,500 employees

The Challenge: Lots of Data Sources and High Security Requirements
No matter how high the benefits assessment or how long the period of entitlement, every insured person can obtain answers to their questions about their pension from the corresponding advice centers of Deutsche Rentenversicherung. To be able to process applications, the employees there need information and documents stored in different systems or data sources. These sources include the file system, the intranet, Lotus Notes databases, and other database applications, as well as IBM Connections.

Our Solution
The employees of Deutsche Rentenversicherung can easily access the current documents, information, and legal regulations in different data sources using iFinder as a central search platform, and process applications more quickly as a result.
The enterprise search application meets the high security requirements of the agency and is also accessible to use.
Enterprise Search at it's best: iFinder

Using iFinder
Whether you use it to search the intranet, in knowledge management processes, or in creating a well-functioning digital workplace, enterprise search has many aspects and the requirements in this area are multifaceted. Learn more about our enterprise search software and discover how you can get the most out of your company data.