Intelligently analyze documents and contracts with AI

Document Intelligence is the key to all tasks that involve recognizing relevant core information in any document and content, extracting it and continuing to work with it.
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The challenge

Arbeitsplatz mit Fokus auf Brille

Analyze documents faster: Employment contracts, rental agreements or any other type of document

Processing these documents often means a manual effort that is costly, time-consuming, error-prone and inconsistent. What's worse - it prevents companies from using the content of these documents to make better decisions and find optimization potential in different areas. The iFinder is the solution to capture, analyze and evaluate large volumes of documents and text input.

Your Benefits

Fast and results-oriented analysis of documents, contracts and information
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Save valuable work time – Document Analyzer gets you the relevant core information quickly and saves you from having to read through reams of documents.

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Easy operation – our software features a user-friendly design and intuitive operation. Work on your documents directly in the application – efficiently and paper-free.

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Use pre-trained findings immediately and then easily train the artificial intelligence yourself for individual tasks – even a small amount of training produces good results.

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Intelligent search and pragmatic knowledge management from a single source: finding, evaluating, sharing, securing and improving knowledge: that's iFinder

You receive important documents or contract contents at a glance

Person in Neon-beleuchteter Umgebung

Analyze documents intelligently with AI

The software uses the latest artificial intelligence processes and methods, with an excellent understanding of the German language. Machine learning, deep learning, fact recognition and large language models are the building blocks in the background that recognize data points and clauses.

This is how iFinder processes information quickly and efficiently.


Detect and Process Lots of File Formats

Our software detects and processes over 600 file formats, such as Word and PDF. It goes without saying that you can also analyze scanned documents with Document Analyzer. After the analysis, the collected findings can be easily exported to Excel or Word, for example, or fed into a specific process, e.g., to guide further document control tasks or automate inspection procedures.

Good Overview for Precise Analysis

The iFinder has various view options - for example, you can select individual data points or clauses and see which contracts contain them. You also receive an overview of the findings and clauses contained in individual contracts and can then evaluate and comment on them.

Frau am Arbeitsplatz

Quick and Reliable Processing

The iFinder helps to complete tasks like these - and many others - quickly and reliably::

  • Is there any evidence of liability sums greater than 1 million euros?
  • Show me all rental agreements with a rent of less than 1,500 euros.
  • In which contracts are there no liability clauses or where are there special termination rights
  • What are the inspection intervals for the technical protective equipment required by the fire protection regulations in my stores with more than 800 square meters of retail space?
  • Does the certificate enclosed with the raw material delivery contain confirmation that the raw material purchased has not been genetically modified? If yes, enter the information automatically into my CRM system and confirm the check.
  • Do the application documents submitted digitally via a customer portal comply with the formal requirements, are all required aspects fulfilled and have the documents been filled out completely and correctly?

It's that simple

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Upload documents – or find them via iFinder and then analyze them – as well as integrate them into a workflow with or without UI

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Automatically analyze the data, including intelligent search

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Review and process data

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Export reports or transfer extracted, aggregated metadata to a machine or process via an interface

Smart Document Analysis – as a Cloud Service or On-Premises

You can install our software on-premises in your own IT infrastructure and incorporate it into your workflow – or use it as a cloud service, hosted in a data center in Germany in compliance with DIN ISO/IEC 27001 security standards.

Contact Us and Discover the Hidden Potential in Your Documents

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